Thursday, October 16, 2008


An inveterate liar is a liar who is the victim of firmly fixed and deep-rooted habits. With him, telling untruths is as frequent and customary an activity as brushing his teeth in the morning, or lighting up a cigarette after dinner.
A chronic liar is a liar who never stops lying. While normal people lie on occasion, and often for special reasons, this scoundrel lies continuously- not occasionally or even frequently, but always.
A psychopathic liar is a liar who does not know the difference between truth and falsehood. Like a child of three, he cannot distinguish fact from fancy. In this one respect at least, he is not entirely sane.
An unconscionable liar is a liar who is completely without a conscience. No matter what misery his fabrications may cause his innocent victims, he never feels the slightest twinge of guilt. Totally unscrupulous, he is a dangerous person to get mixed with.
An incorrigible liar is a liar who is impervious to correction. Often as he may be caught in his fabrications, there is no reforming him- he goes right on lying despite the punishment, embarrassment, or unhappiness, which his distortions of truth may visit upon him.

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