Monday, December 19, 2011
Pot Terms Every Stoner Should Know
Baked- Really stoned
Beans- Seeds
Blazed- Being or getting Really, really high
Blunt- Marijuana wrapped in a tobacco leaf
Blown- To be very very high
Buzzed- A little high
Bomber- Fat joint
Bogart- Talking with burning joint/blunt
Bong- Water pipe
Brick Weed- Compressed marijuana, usually lower quality
Buddy/DD- Weed dealer
Buggin’ out- Paranoid
Burnout- Someone who’s smoked too much weed
Burnt- Out of it
Buzzkill- Something or someone that sobered you up
Cannabis- Marijuana
Cashed bowl- spent pipe load
Cheezin out- High moment where you can’t stop laughing bout something funny
Cherry- Red, still burning piece of weed in the bowl/joint/blunt
Chronic- High quality bud
Clink- Hash, cause of the sound it makes when it’s hardened
Cola- Top bud on a marijuana plant
Commercial bud- Low-grade weed, common, typically from Mexico
Connoisseur- Marijuana aficionado
Cottonmouth- Dry mouth and thirstiness common after getting high
Dank- Adjective for high quality weed
Ditch weed- Bad, dirt looking like weed
DL- Down low, like keep it on the DL
Doobie- Joint
Dry- Out of weed
4:20- Most perfect time to get stoned, newspaper and media sources have also said that 420 is synonymous with ‘weed’, though I’ve never heard someone say ‘Let’s go get some 420′
Fried- Very, very stoned
Ganja- An Indian/Jamaican term for weed
Geeking- Cracking up/laughing alot when being high
Gone- To be very high
Green bud- Good, fresh weed
Grass- Weed
Harsh- Hard on your throat when smoking
Hash, hashish- Pressed marijuana resin
Hemp- Non-psychoactive pot plant that’s used for many industrial purposes
Hookah- Middle eastern tobacco pipe that has hoses, mainly used for smoking flavored tobacco
Hook up- Someone you know that can get you weed
Hooked up- As in ‘getting hooked up’ either getting weed through someone, or someone giving you a better deal for their weed
Hot box- Smoking in a confined area with no air circulation, like a car
Hydroponic- Weed grown with water instead of soil
Indica- One of two different varieties of cannabis, known for the short plants
Joint, Jay- Marijuana rolled in a cigarette paper
KGB- Killer green bud
Kief- Crystals, and tiny potent fragments of weed that fall off from grinding and accumulates over time
Kind bud- High quality weed
Lit- High
Loaded- Being high
Meltdown- Freaking out from being really high
Mooching- Bumming/smoking off of your friends
Munchies- The crazy hunger you get from smoking weed
Nickel bag- $5 bag of pot
Nugs- Buds of weed
Organic- Grown without pesticides and chemical fertilizers
O- Ounce
Reeks- Stinks of weed
Reg, reggies- Regular weed
Roach- Butt of a joint
Sack- Bag of weed
Sativa- Other variety of cannabis, with slender leaves and tall plant size
Schwag- Poor quality weed
Score- Getting weed
Shake- The powder and tiny fragments of weed left over in the bag
Sinsemilla- Weed without seeds
Spliff- Joint mixed with tobacco
Stash- Place where you keep your weed
Stoner- Someone who smokes alot of weed
Stoned- High
THC- Tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana
Toke- Take a hit from a bong, joint, or pipe
Torch- Lighter
Trichomes- Tiny crystals on leaves and buds of the marijuana plant
Tree- Weed
Beans- Seeds
Blazed- Being or getting Really, really high
Blunt- Marijuana wrapped in a tobacco leaf
Blown- To be very very high
Buzzed- A little high
Bomber- Fat joint
Bogart- Talking with burning joint/blunt
Bong- Water pipe
Brick Weed- Compressed marijuana, usually lower quality
Buddy/DD- Weed dealer
Buggin’ out- Paranoid
Burnout- Someone who’s smoked too much weed
Burnt- Out of it
Buzzkill- Something or someone that sobered you up
Cannabis- Marijuana
Cashed bowl- spent pipe load
Cheezin out- High moment where you can’t stop laughing bout something funny
Cherry- Red, still burning piece of weed in the bowl/joint/blunt
Chronic- High quality bud
Clink- Hash, cause of the sound it makes when it’s hardened
Cola- Top bud on a marijuana plant
Commercial bud- Low-grade weed, common, typically from Mexico
Connoisseur- Marijuana aficionado
Cottonmouth- Dry mouth and thirstiness common after getting high
Dank- Adjective for high quality weed
Ditch weed- Bad, dirt looking like weed
DL- Down low, like keep it on the DL
Doobie- Joint
Dry- Out of weed
4:20- Most perfect time to get stoned, newspaper and media sources have also said that 420 is synonymous with ‘weed’, though I’ve never heard someone say ‘Let’s go get some 420′
Fried- Very, very stoned
Ganja- An Indian/Jamaican term for weed
Geeking- Cracking up/laughing alot when being high
Gone- To be very high
Green bud- Good, fresh weed
Grass- Weed
Harsh- Hard on your throat when smoking
Hash, hashish- Pressed marijuana resin
Hemp- Non-psychoactive pot plant that’s used for many industrial purposes
Hookah- Middle eastern tobacco pipe that has hoses, mainly used for smoking flavored tobacco
Hook up- Someone you know that can get you weed
Hooked up- As in ‘getting hooked up’ either getting weed through someone, or someone giving you a better deal for their weed
Hot box- Smoking in a confined area with no air circulation, like a car
Hydroponic- Weed grown with water instead of soil
Indica- One of two different varieties of cannabis, known for the short plants
Joint, Jay- Marijuana rolled in a cigarette paper
KGB- Killer green bud
Kief- Crystals, and tiny potent fragments of weed that fall off from grinding and accumulates over time
Kind bud- High quality weed
Lit- High
Loaded- Being high
Meltdown- Freaking out from being really high
Mooching- Bumming/smoking off of your friends
Munchies- The crazy hunger you get from smoking weed
Nickel bag- $5 bag of pot
Nugs- Buds of weed
Organic- Grown without pesticides and chemical fertilizers
O- Ounce
Reeks- Stinks of weed
Reg, reggies- Regular weed
Roach- Butt of a joint
Sack- Bag of weed
Sativa- Other variety of cannabis, with slender leaves and tall plant size
Schwag- Poor quality weed
Score- Getting weed
Shake- The powder and tiny fragments of weed left over in the bag
Sinsemilla- Weed without seeds
Spliff- Joint mixed with tobacco
Stash- Place where you keep your weed
Stoner- Someone who smokes alot of weed
Stoned- High
THC- Tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana
Toke- Take a hit from a bong, joint, or pipe
Torch- Lighter
Trichomes- Tiny crystals on leaves and buds of the marijuana plant
Tree- Weed
Monday, November 14, 2011
The ultimate goal?
Everything is a waste of energy and time. We are nothing more than bugs struggling with survival until we die.All the achievements, the sacrifices, the good and beautiful efforts of people, the ugly and dark acts of people, are ultimately futile things of life.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Life is a bitch, and then you die.
There is no point in life, and that is exactly what makes it so special.
The meaning of life is to forget about the search for the meaning of life.
The meaning of life is to forget about the search for the meaning of life.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
Some quotes on hypocrisy
A hypocrite is a person who - but who isn't?
Asleep, nobody is a hypocrite.
One should examine oneself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others.
Politeness, n. The most acceptable hypocrisy.
Hypocrite: the man who murdered both his parents... pleaded for mercy on the grounds that he was an orphan.
They are not all saints who use holy water.
The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity.
God has given you one face, and you make yourself another.
When you say that you agree with a thing in principle you mean that you have not the slightest intention of carrying it out in practice.
Live truth instead of professing it.
We are irritated by rascals, intolerant of fools, and prepared to love the rest. But where are they?
The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be.
“Democracy is hypocrisy without limitation.”
Asleep, nobody is a hypocrite.
One should examine oneself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others.
Politeness, n. The most acceptable hypocrisy.
Hypocrite: the man who murdered both his parents... pleaded for mercy on the grounds that he was an orphan.
They are not all saints who use holy water.
The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity.
God has given you one face, and you make yourself another.
When you say that you agree with a thing in principle you mean that you have not the slightest intention of carrying it out in practice.
Live truth instead of professing it.
We are irritated by rascals, intolerant of fools, and prepared to love the rest. But where are they?
The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be.
“Democracy is hypocrisy without limitation.”
Friday, July 1, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Don't waste your life for that which is going to be taken away. Trust life. If you trust, only then can you drop your knowledge, only then can you put your mind aside. And with trust, something immense opens up. Then this life is no longer ordinary life, it becomes full of God, overflowing.
When the heart is innocent and the walls have disappeared, you are bridged with infinity. And you are not deceived; there is nothing that can be taken away from you. That which can be taken away from you is not worth keeping, and that which cannot be taken away from you... why should one be afraid of its being taken away? It cannot be taken away, there is no possibility. You cannot lose your real treasure.
Now is the moment to be a bungee jumper without the cord! And it is this quality of absolute trust, with no reservations or secret safety nets, that the Knight of Water demands from us.
There is a tremendous sense of exhilaration if we can take the jump and move into the unknown, even if the idea scares us to death. And when we take trust to the level of the quantum leap, we don't make any elaborate plans or preparations. We don't say, "Okay, I trust that I know what to do now, and I'll settle my things and pack my suitcase and take it with me." No, we just jump, with hardly a thought for what happens next. The leap is the thing, and the thrill of it as we free-fall through the empty sky.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
The ultimate aim of life
A life free from ambition, an attitude of complete acceptance and invitation, and a preparation to become completely knowledgeless.The true adventurer goes forth aimless and uncalculating to meet and greet unknown fate.
Deep within us, we know that life has no aim; each moment of life is an end to itself. Where we are, what we are, - that is the very fulfillment and perfection of life. We should not live for the morrow, for then we miss living today; and the moment that is lost never returns. Besides, he who gets into the habit of missing the present, misses his future also; because when the tomorrow becomes today, it loses its charm. Remember, whenever the morrow comes, it comes only in the form of today. If we have become habituated to sacrificing our today for tomorrow, our whole life will become sacrificed in this manner. Ultimately we will find that nothing except death comes to hand.
We all lose our lives in this manner. What we call today was tomorrow yesterday, but yesterday we missed for the sake of tomorrow. Then today we miss for the sake of tomorrow and so we go on, wasting all our moments. Then one day we find there is nothing in our hands except the ashes of our hopes. Ambition takes us nowhere and we lose life in the bargain. Not more than a single moment is ever given to us. Nobody is given two moments at a time. This moment is an infinitesimal part of time, which is never static but is a constantly running process that fades in the void. It hardly comes to hand and it is lost. "If we dedicate this passing moment to any purpose," says Lao Tzu, "we deprive ourselves of life." That purpose may be anything. Whether it is the lowly pursuit of wealth or the high aims of religion, it makes no difference. Whether you aspire to reach a high status here or sit on the throne of moksha there, it is all the same. The desire of tomorrow is a poison in itself, because it destroys the life of the body.
Deep within us, we know that life has no aim; each moment of life is an end to itself. Where we are, what we are, - that is the very fulfillment and perfection of life. We should not live for the morrow, for then we miss living today; and the moment that is lost never returns. Besides, he who gets into the habit of missing the present, misses his future also; because when the tomorrow becomes today, it loses its charm. Remember, whenever the morrow comes, it comes only in the form of today. If we have become habituated to sacrificing our today for tomorrow, our whole life will become sacrificed in this manner. Ultimately we will find that nothing except death comes to hand.
We all lose our lives in this manner. What we call today was tomorrow yesterday, but yesterday we missed for the sake of tomorrow. Then today we miss for the sake of tomorrow and so we go on, wasting all our moments. Then one day we find there is nothing in our hands except the ashes of our hopes. Ambition takes us nowhere and we lose life in the bargain. Not more than a single moment is ever given to us. Nobody is given two moments at a time. This moment is an infinitesimal part of time, which is never static but is a constantly running process that fades in the void. It hardly comes to hand and it is lost. "If we dedicate this passing moment to any purpose," says Lao Tzu, "we deprive ourselves of life." That purpose may be anything. Whether it is the lowly pursuit of wealth or the high aims of religion, it makes no difference. Whether you aspire to reach a high status here or sit on the throne of moksha there, it is all the same. The desire of tomorrow is a poison in itself, because it destroys the life of the body.
Friday, February 18, 2011
killing time?
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Bulla Ki jaana mein kaun
I know not who I am
I am neither a believer going to the mosque
Nor given to non-believing ways
Neither clean, nor unclean
Neither Moses not Pharoah
I know not who I am
I am neither among sinners nor among saints
Neither happy, nor unhappy
I belong neither to water not to earth
I am neither fire, not air
I know not who I am
Neither do I know the secret of religion
Nor am I born of Adam and Eve
I have given myself no name
I belong neither to those who squat and pray
Nor to those who have gone astray
I know not who I am
I was in the beginning, I’d be there in the end
I know not any one other than the One
Who could be wiser than Bulleh Shah
Whose Master is ever there to tend?
I know not who I am.
Bulleh Shah
I am neither a believer going to the mosque
Nor given to non-believing ways
Neither clean, nor unclean
Neither Moses not Pharoah
I know not who I am
I am neither among sinners nor among saints
Neither happy, nor unhappy
I belong neither to water not to earth
I am neither fire, not air
I know not who I am
Neither do I know the secret of religion
Nor am I born of Adam and Eve
I have given myself no name
I belong neither to those who squat and pray
Nor to those who have gone astray
I know not who I am
I was in the beginning, I’d be there in the end
I know not any one other than the One
Who could be wiser than Bulleh Shah
Whose Master is ever there to tend?
I know not who I am.
Bulleh Shah
Saturday, February 5, 2011
The moment you start seeing life as non-serious, a playfulness, all the burden on your heart disappears. All the fear of death, of life, of love - everything disappears.
actually Life is rarely as serious as we believe it to be, and when we recognize this fact, it responds by giving us more and more opportunities to play.
actually Life is rarely as serious as we believe it to be, and when we recognize this fact, it responds by giving us more and more opportunities to play.
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